22 Oktober 2010

. Maher Zain - Always be There [Lyric & Download]

 Ini nihh...satu lagi lagu keren, suerr...keren banget dah! My tears [always] rolling down when i hear this song! >.< 

well..klik here to download. And here's the lyric. Enjoy it! :')

Maher Zain – Always Be There

If you ask me about love
And what I know about it
I’ll answer will be …..

It’s everything about Allah
The pure love to our soul
Who have created you and me,
The heaven and whole universe
The One that made us hold and free
The Guardian of His True believers

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there

He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He’ll always be there …

Could bring the sun from the darkness
Into the light
Capable of everything
Should never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow His guidance
All the way through a short time
We have in this life
Soon it’ll all be over
And we’ll be in His heaven
And we’ll all be fined
So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there

He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little Heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He’ll always be there

.Tidur Bikin Kesel

Kesel gak sih kamu, kalo kita lagi ngobrol serius, terus ternyata yang di ajak ngobrol malah tidur???

wahhh...pasti kesel banget kan?
hehhe...mungkin itu kali ya, yang dirasain Hakam semalem. Waktu kita lagi ngobrol di telpon, terus dia ngoceh soal film Hari untuk Amanda. Ehh... aku nya malah tidur. wkwkwk
suerr! aku gak sengaja kokk... :'(
sadarnya waktu bangun tengah malem. Pas liatin hape, ternyata sudah banyak sms masuk dari dia yang isinya marah-marah. >.<
maaf. Gak lagi-lagi.

21 Oktober 2010

. 21 Tahun

*Oh myy..!! baru nyadar, 6 hari lagi, tepat 21 tahun aku sudah mondar mandir di dunia ini. >.<

20 Oktober 2010

.Berjilbab Yok! :')

“Wahai Nabi katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu dan isteri-isteri orang mukmin, “Hendaklah mereka mengulurkan jilbabnya ke seluruh tubuh mereka”. Yang demikian itu supaya mereka lebih mudah untuk dikenal, karena itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyanyang.” (Al Ahzab :59).
“Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kerudung ke dada mereka dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasan mereka, kecuali yang biasa nampak.” (An-Nuur: 31) 


Once you choose hope, anything's possible.  ~Christopher Reeve
When the world says, "Give up,"Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown

Ahh..kenapa ya, setiap kali aku punya harapan,tentang apapun itu, senyumku mengembang tapi perutku jadi mulessss...???!!  (_ _")


I aware somethingg!!! Ternyata aku orangnya Sotoy-an y.... (*_ _)
Ketauan lagi daah, jadi tambah panjang deh daftar sifat-sifat jelek saiiiaaa... T.T

ahh...mesti berbuah, eh...salah. Berubah maksudnya. Sotoy nya mesti dikurangi, enggak kebayang sering ngomongin orang sotoy, eh ternyata diri sendiri juga sotoy banget!!!  :'D

Pagi - pagi waktu search google, ketemu pic ini. lucuu jugaa...hehhe...

19 Oktober 2010

.Sibuk Berat


Bos baru bikin kami jungkar balik mondar mandir. Kerjaan yang semula bisa dikerjain 2 hari, eh,,,malah seminggu masih gak selese. Aaarrgh!!


*But, what can we do??? Bos kan punya rules:
1. Bos selalu benar 
2. Kalo Bos salah, kembali ke rule 1.

Ahh...Namanya juga Boss... (_ _")

.serangkum cinta

Can we put our love in our own hands???

like this picture! :') 

18 Oktober 2010

.i'm [not] newbie.

uhh. Untuk kesekian kalinya, aku buat akun blog. Males memang, tapi harus! Kenapa?
Mungkin, buat nyalurin hobi nulisku yang kadang timbul tenggelem.hehe

well, hope i can focus in writing, pray for me for that.